Power Platform Developer (Remoto)

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Profesional con altos conocimientos y experiencia contrastada como desarrollador con Power Platform.



Experiencia & Conocimientos Imprescindibles

  • Power Platform (Power App, Power Automate, Power BI, etc)




  • Contrato en modalidad Freelance Full time
  • Oferta económica: 220€ / 240€ jornada + IVA (según experiencia aportada)
  • Proyecto de Larga Duración. Recurrencia en Proyectos
  • Localización: Spain (Teletrabajo 100%)
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Aderen offers specialized advice on technological projects for startups and large companies. Its international network of over 1,000 experts can provide highly qualified talent and teams to any international industry or company.

We have particular expertise in:

- Cross technologies: Oracle, J2EE, .NET, PHP, Frontend
- Knowledge areas: CRM, Contact Center, Marketing Automation, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Billing, Integration, BPM, Mobility, Cloud

We help our clients to deliver high-quality critical projects in competitive environments trough experts with track record experience, able to integrate in their team organization holding differents roles, from project management to senior technical positions.

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Ofertes de treball similars a Power Platform Developer (Remoto)

Resum de l'oferta

Power Platform Developer (Remoto)

  • España
  • Indefinit, Freelance
  • Cicle Formatiu (FP)
  • 0
  • 0 (

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