Java SpringBoot Developer (Remote)

Descripció de l'oferta


  • From Grupo Digital, we are looking for a Java Developer for a stable project.



Job Responsibilities / Role:

    • Principal engineer, responsible for the establishment of the development environment, and the development and deployment of services or working under the direction of the Principal engineer
    • The creation of database tables and assocated scripts will be an early priority



Mandatory Skills:

    • Solid Java developer working with Spring Boot Framework and Maven
    • Experience building REST APIs
    • Experience working with Oracle database objects such as Table, Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers and Packages etc.
    • Experience in import processes to load external files into Database
    • Experience in writing SQL scripts, nice to have SQL tuning exposure
    • English - C1



Nice to work:

    • Working knowledge of Docker, GitHub, OpenShift and Microservices Architecture.
    • Familiarity with developing in an Agile environment
    • Ability to learn quickly
    • Team player, contributing to team problem solving
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English
    • Familiarity with financial crime or cross border payment concepts



Labor Conditions:

  • Location: Madrid
  • Full remote
  • Salary to be negotiated based on experience.



Grupo Digital


We are a group of technology companies, currently made up of around 100 professionals in various areas: development, systems, automation engineering, consulting, and more. If you wish to start your career in web development and be part of a dynamic team, we look forward to receiving your application!

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Grupo Digital

Somos un grupo de empresas tecnológicas, formado actualmente por unos 400 profesionales, en distintas áreas: desarrollo, sistemas, ingeniería automática, consultoría...

Si quieres impulsar tu carrera con un proyecto único de la mano de una multinacional de primerísimo nivel, no dudes en presentar tu candidatura.

¡Te esperamos!

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Ofertes de treball similars a Java SpringBoot Developer (Remote)

Resum de l'oferta

Java SpringBoot Developer (Remote)

  • Ref: 1554980
  • Madrid, España
  • Indefinit
  • > 2 anys experiència
  • Cicle Formatiu (FP)

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