

About LanguageWire Most important things to know about us: · We eliminate language barriers, so people understand each other. Everywhere. · We are a tech company. We build our own language tech that gives us a competitive advantage in the language industry. · We are an AI company. Our in-house AI teams use Deep Learning to develop sophisticated natural language processing services that process hundreds of millions of words per year. · We are a stable company, and we are growing fast More detail about us: At LanguageWire, we are leaders in the world of Language Service Providers, but we are cooler than our competitors. Want to know why? Read on. We are fueled by the most advanced technology (AI) and our goal is to make customer's lives easier by simplifying their communication with any audience across the globe. We are proud of our unique AI technology and our exquisite customer care. We are even prouder of our people. From our language experts, tech nerds, and customer success drivers to the core of heroes in the background. They all have a stake in supporting the delivery of translations, editing, desktop publishing, and other crazy cool multilingual communication services. We listen and we care. We adapt our solutions to customer needs and integrate them with customer-specific tech stacks, streamlines and automated workflows. All of this while ensuring all data is protected thoroughly in a secure, meteorite-proof infrastructure. Basically, we've got the whole package!

Job at LanguageWire Jobs at LanguageWire