Implementation Calypso Technology

Job Offer Description

At Tigloo we are committed to seeking out all types of talent to create a diverse workforce and to that end we are looking for #peoplewithpurpose.


We are looking for proactive technologists, with experience in Calypso tool implementations with knowledge in:

    • Environment configuration (Workflows, filters, domain values, task station, fixed data, market data, reports, definition of rules, etc.)
    • Software platform in Calypso environments
    • Integration of Calypso with external tools/applications
    • Management, analysis and solution of incidents
    • Treasury knowledge desirable:o RF, MM, FX, OTC Derivatives and/or Collateral Productso Operations life cycle (contracting, confirmation, settlement, accounting, etc.)


And proven experience in:

    • Development of Java architectures
    • Databases (Oracle, SQL Server, ..)
    • JBoss
    • Knowledge of batch processes (EOD, EOM) and planning tools (Control-M)



  • Competence to work in English.
  • Face-to-face work in Madrid city

We want you to grow with us, so we provide you with training and support during your professional career within the company, even while you are a client!



Who are we?

Tigloo is your technological partner, we put at your disposal our more than 40 years of experience in the Technological field in Spain.

Now, in addition, Tigloo is a company of the DCS GROUP, which gives us an international reach.

  • We offer a Global IT service.
  • We offer ICT solutions for an effective digital transformation.
  • We provide 360º degrees of strategic vision, digitally transforming organizations, processes and people.
  • We offer global security with the latest technological advances.
  • We are capable of outsourcing IT services in all phases of a company, from infrastructure to the management of core business tools.


We are waiting for you! Leave us your CV and we will contact you!

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TIGLOO es la marca en España de DCS IT GROUP, empresa francesa con más de 40 años de experiencia y trayectoria en el mundo de los servicios IT y con presencia en varios países europeos.

Desde TIGLOO facilitamos a nuestros clientes servicios y soluciones para construir, mantener y desarrollar sus Sistemas de Información. Contamos con más de 500 clientes entre los distintos centros repartidos por España: Navarra, País Vasco, Madrid, Barcelona y Zaragoza.

Aportamos soluciones globales TI en Transformación Digital, Infraestructuras, Ciberseguridad y Outsourcing de Profesionales.

Nuestros valores como empresa son:

Compromiso, conocimiento y alineamiento con el negocio y con el cliente al que prestamos nuestros servicios.

Cuidar al máximo a nuestro personal, a nuestros técnicos, fomentar una profesionalidad y cultura corporativa de búsqueda de la excelencia en el servicio, basado en una excelente y continua formación técnica y en una relación empresa-empleado de confianza, alegría, solidaridad, esfuerzo compartido...

Esos valores nos permitirán tener los mejores y más satisfechos clientes, gracias a nuestro activo, nuestro personal, con un orgulloso sentimiento de pertenencia

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Job offers similar to Implementation Calypso Technology

Job Offer summary

Implementation Calypso Technology

  • Madrid, España
  • Permanent, Freelance
  • 2 to 10 years experience
  • Bachelor (3 years)
  • 48.000 - 54.000
  • ingles (

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